November 12, 2012

The New Name was Born

I don’t know since when, I really like to use a nickname that isn’t my real name. Not because I hate my real name, it’s just... I get a certain thrill when changing the name arbitrarily (haha). Not just a name, sometimes I also make the code for myself.

As I recall, the first nickname that I used is “Jibaa”. Honestly, I don’t know what it means but I like the name. Not many people know the name or maybe none knows I ever used that name.
Than came the new name, “Yin”. The name is quite a long time I used even to this time I still use it. “Yin” often I combine with the other names such as “Tsu Yin”, “A Yin”, “Yin Hao Lin”, Yin SA Devil” and else. I started using “Yin” since the first year of high school (around 2003) and this name a little difficult to leave.
Around 2005-2006 I started using many names at once. Many factors that influence it, one of it is the comic X by CLAMP. Unfortunately, all these names are never used again after I graduated from high school. The names that are “Christian Era”, “Kamui”, “DeltaOmega”, “Red Mark”, “Satanic Angel”, “Lucifer”, “Thanatos” dan a code “999”. I still use the code “999” to this day.
A few months after graduation, born a new name that very strong name and dominate me. In fact, I desperately search the meaning of the new name. “Kokuo Tsuki” word "Koku" comes from the word "Kuro" means "Black" and the "O" comes from the word "Òji" meaning "Prince" while the word "Tsuki" means "Moon". I often turn it into “the Prince of BlackMoon” and both still I use very often.
Middle of 2008, the new name appears again (again?) “Victorious Christian”. “Victorious” is the last name of my real name which I have turned into english. Starting around 2010 the name was changed to “Victorious Xian Moran” and this name still I used to this day.
Many new names emerged around 2010 until early 2012, but the names couldn’t seem hold with competition predecessor. Starting from “Maia”, “Qiera”, “Reith”, “Freya”, “Aurora” and “deFallen Angel”. Everything just appears for a moment.
The last, on the 27th of september 2012, a new name was born. “Victoria Black” and also the code “1120”. “Victoria Black” is the name of female version of “Victorious Xian Moran” and this name appears because the drummer of Avenged Sevenfold, The Rev (haha). While the code of “1120” appear when I wasn’t willing because “Victoria Black” lokks like replacing “Kokuo Tsuki”. In my profile has explained the meaning of “1120” and for additonal, the number of 11 is a sequence of the letter “K”, the initial of “Kokuo”.
Not long “Victoria Black” appeared, I began to make abbreviation “Victim1120”. Many ask “what does the mean?” they clearly know the meaning of “victim”. “Victim is a short for “Victoria : The Insane Mode”.
Maybe you understand for a little bit the meaning of the tittle of my blog.

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